Tuesday, March 28, 2006


We are all at an age that this has occurred at least once and the moment it happens, it stops us dead in our tracks and instantly brings us back down memory lane. It’s the inevitable “running” into someone from the past, sometimes its good, sometimes its bad….way bad.

For a few weeks now, I’ve had random dreams about my ex-husband and sure enough, my dreams were right. Last week I was at the gym kicking ass on the elliptical trainer. At 31 minutes I was telling myself to go for 40….and then I look up at the door, low and behold, my ex walks in. I have no issues seeing him, we don’t hate each other, but I’m not about to run into him all sweaty and gross, Oh hell to the no!! You ladies out there know EXACTLY what I’m talking about too. I did find solace in the fact that he’s losing his hair, but I digress.

I should have known I was on a roll with bumping into people. Last week I was on MySpace looking at profiles of people from school and sure enough, The Fisch was there. First reaction? OMFG. Second reaction, “do I email him or let it go?” – Life is too short so I emailed him and to my pleasant surprise, he not only remembers me, but he was forthcoming with his sentiments about our friendship back then. Awesome.

Steve, better known to the world as The Fisch, was a year older than me in High School and although I knew “of” him, we weren’t exactly friends. He was by far a little intimidating since he was older – definitely loud, sometimes crude, but also one of the funniest people I have ever met in my life – God I remember him walking the halls singing the Archie Bunker song. I’m laughing now reminiscing about it.…..and how I met him, was completely unexpected. I met him as a result of the school play – a knock off of Robin Hood, Men in Tights – I shit you not.…..one word: classic. I am going to quote Steve here about how we met, “you walked into my life when that giant band room door swung open. The next thing I knew, I was agreeing to sing songs to impress you.”

Everybody in unison, “Awwwwwww…..”

That’s right, Steve played Friar Tuck and somehow, someway, he was coerced into singing a song….rather badly, but again, hysterical and fitting for him. What song? “In the middle of the night,” by Billy Joel. God that was funny, I wish I could get my hands on a copy of the play. My role? I was one of Robin’s merry men, which afforded us loads of time backstage to goof off and get in loads of trouble. Jesus, we were told to shut up one too many times for laughing. Yeh, it was easy to get in trouble with Fisch, he provided countless hours of entertainment.

Eventually, during the play we formed a relationship…get your minds out of the gutter, we were friends, we both had significant others. His girl, don’t quite remember her name, went to DePaul High School and she was for lack of a better word, a bitch. She hated me before even knowing me….oh well. I myself was dating the guy who I would later marry….go figure.

My memories of Steve are all good ones. But I’d be stupid not to admit that there wasn’t some kind of mutual feeling lurking in the background reeking havoc on our adolescent hormones. His humor was a shot gun to my heart and to this day, he is by far one of the funniest people I know, well with the exception of my friend Chris…..and yeh, JD cracks me up too, but don’t tell him that, it will go straight to his head. (God I’ve never met someone so in love with themselves. LOL).

So here I am, reconnected with an old friend and I have to say, I’m excited. I’ve already learned that he’s married, owns his own business and has a little girl. Awww sweet. He also keeps in touch with a few people from high school and I’ve been invited to a poker tournament….yeh, one thing, I don’t know how to play poker, so basically I’m going there to lose $100 and get loaded….like that’s any different than any other weekend in my life.

MySpace…..its power ceases to amaze me everyday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it when they lose their hair.