Monday, June 06, 2005

Mr. Right, Not Mr. Right-Now

What kind of man WOULD make me happy? I mean seriously no more rolling the dice, I think I need to be a little more specific. So let's try this shall we?

  2. Knows his self worth - not cocky, but doesn't allow people take advantage
  3. Has manners - Uh very self explanatory
  4. Independent - doesn't need to be with a girl
  5. Good with money management - won't grub money and looks to his future
  6. Sense of style - I won't be dressing him
  7. Romantic - just enough, not over the top
  8. Looks great in jeans - needs a nice hiney HOLLA!
  9. Treats me good - Makes sure my needs are being met, it isn't all about me pleasing him
  10. Lives alone/on his own - no mommy bullshit
  11. Loves his mom and demonstrates that - you can always tell a good guy from the way he treats his mom
  12. Likes to travel - because I need to see the world
  13. Considers me his friend, not just his girlfriend - he values my opinion and turns to me for strength and guidance
  14. Can see me as one of the guys when hanging - we can pal around with everyone, its not just me and him secluded in a corner
  15. Loves to surprise me - I LOVE surprises because that means he was thinking about me when I wasn't around
  16. He isn’t all about money - making money isn't the world to him
  17. He isn’t a cheapskate penny pincher - he enjoys the nicer things in life
  18. Enjoys life and sees the irony in situations out of his control - can take a step back even when things get tough and find the good in all
  19. Easy going - Isn't up my butt or anyone else's for that fact
  20. He knows when to let things go - he won't obsess about things out of his control
  21. Loves my family - because they kick ass like that
  22. Thinks I’m wonderful - displays that by his affection toward me
  23. Talks to me about issues and is open - see #13
  24. Open minded - doesn't necessarily see the glass as half empty or half full but awaits the situational facts
  25. Can go to the museum - he has to have some sort of culture or appreciation of it
  26. He reads books – newspapers and magazines don’t count
  27. Supports my decisions even if he doesn’t always agree 100% - knows that I have to fall down sometimes too
  28. Tall – at least taller than me
  29. Good Kisser - uh yeh, can't express this one enough either because I'm a smoocher
  30. Likes to kiss me and be affectionate in public - won't shy away from me like I have a disease
  31. Manly - can use a drill instead of leaving it all up to me, even though I LOVE TOOLS
  32. Likes to be outdoors - Won't spend the weekend couped up in the house
  33. Likes sports: hockey, baseball and football - because I can't live without sports
  34. Likes going to sporting events - because I can't live without sports
  35. Puts me in my place when I go overboard - I can be a typical broad, he has to be able to deal
  36. Knows when to hug me - When I get crazy, the easiest way to shut me up is hug me - I'm easy
  37. Makes a good living - can support himself and if we ever had a family, money wouldn't be an issue
  38. Loves to see me smile and won’t hesitate to tell me that - My smile is infectious
  39. Healthy - he takes care of himself, I don't have to do all the worrying
  40. Non-smoker - Kissing a smoker is disgusting
  41. Non-drinker – social drinking ok - have you READ my blog?
  42. No drugs - Have you read my blog?
  43. Knows how to be quiet - Can give me that alone time without yapping in my ear
  44. Let’s me decompress - Sometimes I need alone time to relax and get back to normal
  45. Can enjoy a moment of silence - He doesn't feel the need to fill silence with loud music, a loud TV or yap in my ear if we are experiencing something special
  46. He recognizes a special moment and allows it to happen - these are few and far between
  47. He cherishes the special moments as much as I do - I hate being the only one to recognize
  48. Animal friendly - I have dogs, 'nuff said
  49. Can appreciate time apart but still longs to be with me - abstance makes the heart grow fonder
  50. He’s a little old fashioned but not pretentious - This kind of goes with the manners thing
  51. Wants to make one of my dreams come true -I have a WHOLE list
  52. Is willing to try something new for me despite the fact he may abhor it - this goes back to an open mind - he doesn't pre-judge
  53. Doesn’t work for the same company as me - have you read my blog?
  54. Although he might not like my music, leaves me alone about it - I hate when people comment on my taste - screw you, its my taste, not yours
  55. He can say no - Puts me in my place when I'm a brat
  56. He knows when to say yes - sometimes giving into the brat is a good thing
I don't think I'm asking for anything truly hard - I want someone normal. Not some animal, guido reject that frequents the Northern New Jersey area. A good boy who comes from the same family values I do. I want the love and affection that I grew up with. I know not everyone was blessed to grow up with two parents who still love one another, but even so, I don't need baggage, I need common sense.

Notice looks weren't a priority anywhere? Because although it matters a little, it isn't that big of a deal. Being a combination of the things listed above puts a guy right in the thick of it with me. Making me laugh is more sexy than any pose a model can give. I've had crushes on guys who aren't the best looking, but that's because they can make me laugh and I feel good when I am around them. Its his ability to make me feel light, cared for, attended to, loved that will make him number 1 in my book, not his looks. Both my Ex-husband and Ted were very good looking, but they lacked these fundamental traits. I was blind. I will date again, but this time with my eyes open. He doesn't have to be EVERYTHING on my list because he can exceed it by possessing traits that I didn't know I wanted. I'm sure as time goes on I'll have more to add, but for now, this about sums it up.


Meredith said...

Matt, that was funny. Thanks bro.

Anonymous said...

I love #8: has to look good in jeans. I love a guy in jeans.